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Buffalo Brunch


The next game in my Year of the Hack 'N' Slash is a PSP game called Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory! And it's pretty weird!

5/15/2022, 7:45:19 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


I mean just watch this clip from the intro cutscene - it has everything I love in a games story, depressed robots, androids questioning existence and guns protruding out of robot skulls!

5/15/2022, 7:45:24 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


The gist of the game is this - You are are an android named A.D.A.M. and for some reason you've decided you aren't like other robots, and therefore you must climb this tower, reluctantly killing other robots while questioning all of your motives.

5/15/2022, 7:45:26 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


You have 5 loadout slots, Head, L/R arm, Chest and Legs. You mix and match weapons/armor to create a custom build that suits your liking. Blade weapon with support guns, all guns, etc. You pick up skin elixer to increase your stats, slots, etc.

5/15/2022, 7:45:26 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


You get weapons and elixir as drops from enemies. One of the unique features is called the Overkill - when you deplete an enemies health, it starts counting up the damage you do afterwards. The more damage, the better the drop rate becomes.

5/15/2022, 7:45:26 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


You also grind up extra weapons you don't want into elixir. This is where the risk/reward comes into play. When you die you lose all of your equipped items (never to be recovered) and get sent back to the 1st floor. Anything left in inventory can be equipped at the next terminal

5/15/2022, 7:45:27 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


Buttt you can also cheese it when you die and just restart the game from your last save point. This saves some considerable slog.

Now to get back to climbing that tower! We've got to save the soul of this robot android.

5/15/2022, 7:45:27 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


I got to the top of the tower - YAY!
A random voice told me to git gud and come back later - BOO!

I'm back on the first floor, all maps of the random levels reset, gear/progress intact. wondering if this will turn into a "all bosses before last boss" thing.

5/16/2022, 10:04:39 AM

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Buffalo Brunch


That's a wrap on Rengoku! I finished my final assault on the tower. This game took about 10 hours to roll credits. While it was fun, it never showed you anything new after you got used to core gameplay loop. Bosses were the same as regular enemies, just with pumped up stats.

5/18/2022, 3:54:37 PM

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Buffalo Brunch


The best part about this game, was the ending was you leaving the tower, then sprouting a giant pair of fucking wings and flying your free ass into the sunset. It was like the fantasy ending of Brazil but without the rug being pulled out from underneath the protagonist.

5/18/2022, 3:54:37 PM

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