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Buffalo Brunch


As the year winds down I turned my sights to a wintery game that has received critical acclaim & acclaimed sequel. After GoW3 I needed to see the follow-up to 1 of my least like games of the year, to see how the murderous, rage-filled Kratos 2018s 'dad of the year.' (spoilers) šŸ§µ

12/23/2022, 11:59:09 AM

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Buffalo Brunch


1st the axe throwing mechanic is flawless. It feels good to hit a headshot or take out a draugrs legs. But the game leans on this for everything & since its basically the ONLY mechanic, it wore out its welcome. Imagine a Zelda game where all you had was the boomerang

12/23/2022, 11:59:10 AM

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Buffalo Brunch


Combat is.. fine. The camera attaches itself to Kratos weirdly. You always face forward, if you pull back on the stick he just jogs backwards. It leads to being vulnerable often. Enemies also, as he dodges their noses follow, so even if you dodge you'll probably get hit.

12/23/2022, 11:59:11 AM

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Buffalo Brunch


20 hours into the main campaign a regular story encounter with mid-level grunts put my ass into the ground because in order to craft/upgrade armor you need sidequests for huge amounts of material. But they were so dull & repetitive I decided early to skip them & screwed myself.

12/23/2022, 11:59:12 AM

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Buffalo Brunch


The story is fine but has so much Gen-X Sad Dad Angstā„¢ļø that after a while I yelled "I get it, Kratos, you have daddy issues, put your hand on your sons' shoulder for gods sake." Boating around & listening to Mimir tell stories about mythic fathers & sons was forced.

12/23/2022, 11:59:12 AM

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Buffalo Brunch


And then the story just ā€¦ ended. Thor? Odin? Saving them? Iā€™m trying to hide my disappointment with GOW4 but it felt like a chore. The controls, combat, convoluted upgrade system: AAA bloat. This could have been a tight 20 hour experience that could have had more impact.

12/23/2022, 11:59:13 AM

Favs: 3

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